Service Providers

Lenders Icon 01


Home Warranty Icon 01

Home Warranty

Stagers Icon 01


Movers Icon 01


Builders Icon 01


Contractors icon 01


Inspectors Icon 01


Interior Designers Icon 01

Interior Designers

Surveyors Icon 01


The above options are local vendors and service providers that have been used by past clients and are provided for you to use as a starting place. This list is for informational purposes only. It is highly recommended that you do your own research, thoroughly vet and contact at least two vendors or service providers to compare pricing prior to use. Tyler Q. Jenschke, Jenschke Luxury, The J Luxury, PURE Realty - Texas, and PURE Realty Partners, make no guarantee or warranty of any services or products and any such representations are hereby disclaimed. Any negative outcome as a result of using any services provided by any of these service providers are at the user’s sole risk.